Four Attributes Shared By Successful Entrepreneurs

In the wake of the coronavirus pandemic, American entrepreneurs are soldiering through the worst business environment the world has ever seen. By the end of the year, an untold number of small businesses will fold… forced to yield their position on the playing field...

Find Your Niche And Fill It

Finding the niche – you as a business owner – will enjoy working in, where you can flourish is revolves around playing to your strengths. First and foremost, you must choose to focus on something that interests you before developing a suite of products and...

Tried… Tested… Trustworthy Technology

Living in the digital era has conditioned customers to expect a seamless digital interaction that is both accessible and responsive. This fact serves as a perplexing business disincentive for small businesses because technological unresponsiveness is synonymous with...

Adapt, Plan, and Evolve

Due to Covid restrictions, technology continues to evolve rapidly. One of the many things this pandemic taught us is that it is essential that your business has access to the most up-to-date technology. Ateki can help you innovate your business to improve your...

Technology Is A Moving Target

The biggest obstacle in doing business in the 21st Century is lack of connectivity between a company’s physical operation and the technology that powers it. We live in a world, where the best business outcomes belong to companies who have interwoven technology into...